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SI TË DEKORONI TAVOLINË ROZË PËR SHËN VALENTIN   I adhuroni rastet special dhe jeni të mendimit se dashuria duhet festuar në vendin më intim dhe romantik: në shtëpinë tuaj! Për mendimin tim nuk ka gjë më të bukur se të pregatisësh darkën apo drekën e Shën Valentinit për më të dashurit tuaj.Dekoracionet romantike luajnë rolin kryesor dhe sjellin në shtëpi të gjithë romantizmin e kësaj feste duke ju bërë të përjetoni mbrëmje të paharueshme. Nëse keni vendosur të kaloni mbrëmjen me një darkë romantike në shtëpi apo ata që kanë vendosur të kthejnë këtë ditë romantike të vitit në një ditë argëtimi në familjen tuaj duke bërë zbukurime me zemra me letra me ngjyrë me fëmijët, ja disa ide nga ku mund të merni frymëzim. Kombinoni rozën me një mbulesë bardh e zi dhe krijoni një tavolinë elegante dhe shik .Një zbukurim në qendër të tavolinës plot lule në ngjyra pastel dhe disa qirinj të bardhë do të kompletojnë tavolinën tuaj . --------------------------------------------...


One of my most favorite things about this time of the year is spending time with family. My holiday tablescape is one i can't wait to spend sitting around with family
There is something about decorating with traditional red and green that brings back sweet memories of the past.Do you have memories of being with your parents,grandparents and cousins for those wonderful New Year dinners. You can't help but to feel a lot of nostalgia when using the colors.These colors are bringing to me so many memories from my childhood.A time of gathering of family where we were surrounded by those we loved and loved us.So many memories from a time long ago.

Today I am sharing a table using traditional colors of red and green with gold accents that gives that festive look.

Usually my tablescapes are inspired by a particular theme,and this one was no exception.The plaid tablecloth that my mother used every year,now she gave it to me.
I paired the tablecloth with green napkins. 

I also really adore these festive place settings! I always say a great place setting starts with a great charger and this gold one is so gorgeous.I love the rimmed border around it.  The mini red trees at each place setting are super adorable. Probably my favorite detail of the whole table setting!

  I already owned the cute Santa Claus and the snowman at the other side as a presents from birthdays, and i knew they would give this festive touch to the table.

  I also wanted to incorporate a lot of natural elements. I used my wooden white tray to put inside the mason jar with a red candle,matching it with gold ornaments surrounded with pine cones and fresh greens.This is the best kind of holiday decor-the kind you can keep around till New Year.


The cutlery is looking more fresh and festive combined with fresh greenery tightened with twine string on a green napkin and a gold bell at the top.

Candlelight is truly magical,especially for the holidays. I love how it reflects off of everything on this table and gives it all life.

I am so happy that you stopped by to visit me. I also hope you found some inspiration to use for a tablescape in your home for this holiday season.


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