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SI TË DEKORONI TAVOLINË ROZË PËR SHËN VALENTIN   I adhuroni rastet special dhe jeni të mendimit se dashuria duhet festuar në vendin më intim dhe romantik: në shtëpinë tuaj! Për mendimin tim nuk ka gjë më të bukur se të pregatisësh darkën apo drekën e Shën Valentinit për më të dashurit tuaj.Dekoracionet romantike luajnë rolin kryesor dhe sjellin në shtëpi të gjithë romantizmin e kësaj feste duke ju bërë të përjetoni mbrëmje të paharueshme. Nëse keni vendosur të kaloni mbrëmjen me një darkë romantike në shtëpi apo ata që kanë vendosur të kthejnë këtë ditë romantike të vitit në një ditë argëtimi në familjen tuaj duke bërë zbukurime me zemra me letra me ngjyrë me fëmijët, ja disa ide nga ku mund të merni frymëzim. Kombinoni rozën me një mbulesë bardh e zi dhe krijoni një tavolinë elegante dhe shik .Një zbukurim në qendër të tavolinës plot lule në ngjyra pastel dhe disa qirinj të bardhë do të kompletojnë tavolinën tuaj . --------------------------------------------...


Table decorating should be an enjoyable experience and is something that everyone can do! It doesn't have to coast a lot of money to create a beautiful tablescape and your family and friends will truly enjoy the gorgeous atmosphere you have created.
The inspiration for this modern-vintage and blue table was my mother's vintage cobalt china I'v had a long time now.Maybe a lot of you have these cobalt dishes at your home from your mother's collection because on these days you can't find them on the stores.I'v always had a respect for vintage china and my love of design makes tablescaping something I really enjoy.

A gold patterned tablecloth adds depth and plays nicely with the mix of patterns in the dishes and centerpiece.I love mixing patterns!

A table setting is not complete without lovely fresh flowers and for this one I used pretty spring flowering branches from the garden.

And because I wanted the vintage dishes to take center stage each place was set with one dessert cobalt plate sitting on a gold charger with blue napkins and crystal wine goblet.

I\really enjoyed making this lovely table,and I'm blessed to have lovely things.Beautiful things don't have to be expensive,and in my case often aren't. I mix the treasures that were passed down to me with things that cost very little.Style shouldn't be expensive.How we hold,share and mix things in our own individual ways ,that's true style.And most of all is the people that fill this table with love and give it meaning and joy.

I came across this tip on my friends blog : Use your collections,they don't come into existence,just to display,hang on the wall or collect on your cabinets; they come into existence to be used and enjoyed.

I really enjoyed pulling this look together.I hope you take some inspiration away from it.


  1. What a beautiful table! I love that last quote. I agree, what good are lovelies just sitting in your cupboard? Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  2. Your vintage cobalt table is stunning and beautiful. Thanks for sharing at C&C with J&J. :)

  3. Fjolla, I love blue dishes. I love the deep rich color of the dishes. You have set a lovely table. I agree we should use the dishes we have inherited. I have been collecting Blue Nordic by Johnson Bros and I am just short 3 tea cup saucers. It seems I am collecting at the right time as others are clearing out. Thanks for sharing. Sylvia D.

    1. Sylvia thank you my friend! I love collecting too.Hope to see your collection 😊Wishing you a nice day 💗

  4. That's a beautiful table. Thanks for joining Dishing It & Digging It Link Part. We loved having you!!


  5. Love the deep blue color...very usual and gorgeous. i don't have a lot of blue dishes, so I am loving these. Thank you for sharing your lovely table at DI&DI.


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