November is here and I'm happy to be sharing my first fall tablescape with you today. Here are some ideas that are easy to do .I'm sharing them with you in hopes that you will want to try some of them on your next holiday table or a special dinner table.
Nentori ja mbrini dhe une jam e lumtur te ndaj me ju tavolinen e pare me dekore te vjeshtes.Kam paraqitur disa ide te lehta dhe te thjeshta per dekorim.I ndaj me ju me shprese se do te zgjidhni te provoni ndonjeren nga idete ne tavolinen tuaj te festave ose nje darke speciale me miqte.
Black and white striped runners like this one really do make a bold and beautiful statement.Especially when placed on top of a black velvet tablecloth like I'v shown here.I used fabric from a locale store to create this runners.
Mbulesat zbukuruese me shirite bardh e zi vertet japin nje elegance dhe nje paraqitje te guximshme dhe teper te bukur.Vecanerisht nese vendoset siper nje mbulese kadifeje te zeze, sic e kam shtruar une. Per ta krijuar kte mbulese dekoruese.perdora material nga dyqanet e textilit.
The centerpiece is just branches gathered from the yards,decorated with tissue paper flowers.
Zbukurimi ne qender te tavolines eshte me dege druri te dekoruara me lule te bera me fasuleta letre.
Lemons and oranges are great fruits to use to adorn your vases.What you will need to create this look is two vases of similar heights and one vase will need to be narrower than the other.Put the slimmer vase inside the second vase and center it.Slide the sliced lemon into spacing between the two vases and there you have it, another unique vase created by you for your guests.
Limonet dhe portokajt jane frutat perfecte per te stolis vazon tuaj. Ajo qe ju duhet per te realizuar kte pamje jane dy vazo me lartesi te njejte. Vazoja e mbrendeshme duhet te jete me e ngushte se vazoja e jashtme (une kam perdorur kavanoz). Vendos vazon e ngushte brenda vazos se madhe dhe mundohu te jete sa me ne qender.Rradhit limonet e prere ne feta ose gjysme ne hapesiren ndermjet dy vazove dhe ja ku u be.Nje zbukurim unik e krijuar nga ju per mysafiret tuaj.
Your black white and yellow tablescape looks so pretty. Thanks for sharing at Cooking and Crafting with J&J. We hope to see you again.